Join the Simplistic Yogi for a 4 part beginner yoga series starting in May!
Open to the public.
Working out in a parking lot during the pandemic is how a small group of friends coped with the uncertainty of what we were facing. We needed to stay connected, and stay fitness-focused.
Out of that experience, we realized how vitally important our fitness community is for our physical and mental well-being - so we built a new home for it and invite you to join!
This mini-fitness festival is a celebration of where we started and how far we can go...together!
CrossFit is intimidating...we get it!
Lot Fest! is a friendly and fun way to check out what we do, meet our coaches and members, tour our awesome new gym, and even try a workout with us!
Enter to win amazing prizes including FREE nutrition consulting, Sweet Pea Plant-Based gift certificates, Brickyard Merch, Project Lean Nation goodies, Brickyard new member discounts, and more!
There will be partner and team workouts throughout the morning that ANYONE can do - you'll love it!!
You'll earn extra raffle tickets for doing a workout! More details below.
No matter your fitness level or age, you can do this! CrossFit is for anyone and everyone!
Join us for a group warm-up, coach instruction for movements, creating teams, and then a fun workout. Come for 1, stay for 2!
8.30 AM - 9.15 AM - Partner/Team Deck of Fun
9.30 AM - 10.15 AM - Team Relay
10.30 AM - 11.15 AM - Partner/Team Deck of Fun
11.30 AM - 12.15 AM - Team Relay
Working out in a parking lot during the pandemic is how a small group of friends coped with the uncertainty of what we were facing. We needed to stay connected, and stay fitness-focused.
Out of that experience, we realized how vitally important our fitness community is for our physical and mental well-being - so we built a new home for it and invite you to join!
This mini-fitness festival is a celebration of where we started and how far we can go...together!
CrossFit is intimidating...we get it!
Lot Fest! is a friendly and fun way to check out what we do, meet our coaches and members, tour our awesome new gym, and even try a workout with us!
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